Is your dog an asshole? Email a picture and description to Email Us and we'll post it so that everyone can see just how much of an asshole your dog is. *

Friday, October 26, 2012

Princess loves this bean bag. And when I say "love," I mean that it is her favorite place to sleep, she plays on it, she lounges. LOVES.
But she simply cannot help herself from tearing it up, which she does about 2-3 times a week.
There is a fine line between love and hate for that little girl.

Friday, August 31, 2012

"I love my dog, but Elvis is such an A-hole, I couldn't even get him to pose for the picture.  NOTE: the dog toys in the corner of the chair to entice him up there.  He was like 'no way'" - Barbara G.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Well I guess I didn't learn my lesson with the past puppies in our house. Our 10 week Pomeranian Chi Chi shredded the toilet paper that was on a basket. Like, what was she planning on making? Confettii, kitter litter, packing material? I dont know but I think our troubles are starting all over."  - Shanti V

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"I have the king of A Holes for a dog" - Krystal F.

Door 1

Door 2

Christmastime, he decided to rearrange the decorations.

Favorite shoes, I think so!

Sitting on his sister 'cause he's an A Hole!

Thanks to Krystal F. and sorry about your stuff.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"Sadly, my new dog a-hole. I now have two. Naturally."

(Thanks Karinneh A. and sorry your new dog is an asshole too).

Friday, April 27, 2012

This remote can open your blinds and turn on the lights in selected areas, to the right color temperature. It does so much more than help you watch TV. Set your music, mow your lawn. It is worth about $300.
Or, WAS worth about $300.

Sorry about your remote, Liz K. But...thanks for the post.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

PeePee Pad?  Chew Toy?  PeePee Pad?  Chew Toy?
PeePee Pad AS a Chew Toy!

What?  They aren't the same thing?
Franklin sure thinks so.

(compliments of Janelle P.)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bob H. says "I know where that missing box of crayons went!"

Yep.  Asshole.
(The dog, not Bob, of course. Bob rocks.)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"My dog thinks patio chair cushions are sooo last year."

(Thanks Karinneh A. and sorry your dog is an asshole)

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Portrait of a Young Dog as an Asshole:  by Sarah B.

"Kenzo has been the most difficult dog i have ever had. his temperament is very headstrong and stubborn. he quite manipulate but, he is also the sweetest dog i have ever had. he has had a few severe health problems from a very young age, one of them required major surgery, so i think part of his destructiveness is due to the fact that i was at his side for most of a month straight while he recovered and developed a case of separation anxiety.
But, I will stop making excuses for him and just say......
My dogs are superspoiled.....have toys and treats is no match for Kenzo's assholeness......
the first picture (asshole dog) is a picture of destruction courtesy of Kenzo, at the age of about 8 months old. he ate one small stuffed animal, mangled a puppet (that white thing) and ate a small trash can.....also took the lid off of a bigger trashcan.
the second picture (assholeatethedeck) is just one side of the deck railing which Kenzo has eaten.
the third picture (assholeatemoose) is the entrails of a stuffed moose scattered up our stairs.
fourth picture (couchdestroy) he moved the full size, fold out bed containing couch about 5 feet and eviscerated it. he has also dragged blankets off of the other couch and ripped up a pizza box
fifth picture(atphonebookandstuff) he did exactly that, ate the phone book and other miscellaneous stuff.
sixth picture (assholeateplant) this started off as a 3 foot ficus tree, he stripped it of all of its leave over a couple of months. he eventually took the bare tree out of the pot and used it at a toy. as for the legless chair, he ate the legs a while back......i don.t know why we kept the seat part.
seventh picture (assholeatebirdmillet) kenzo was mad that it was not his turn for a walk and took a bag full of 12 giant pieces of millet and seeded the carpet. this took quite a while to clean up"